How Dangerous Are Laser Beams To Planes?

As a commercial jet is forced to abandon its course after a laser beam is shone into its cockpit, Sky News looks at high intensity lasers and the dangers they pose to aircraft if used recklessly.

The Virgin Atlantic flight was on its way to New York on Sunday night but had to return to London after one of the pilots had a "medical issue" following the incident.


:: How common are laser incidents in the UK?

Between 2009 and June 2015, more than 8,998 laser incidents across the UK were reported to Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).

Laser attack on plane cockpit. Pic: CBS/FAA

There were 414 laser incidents in the first six months of 2015 alone, CAA figures show.

The vast majority - 48 - were reported at London's Heathrow Airport, which is not surprising as it has the most planes and is situated in a densely populated area.

Some 32 incidents were reported at Birmingham International, 24 at Leeds Bradford Airport, 23 at Manchester Airport and 22 at London City and London Gatwick airports.

The data shows a dramatic increase from a total of 746 incidents in 2009, rising to 1,500 in 2010, peaking at 1,912 in 2011.

In 2012 some 1,571 laser incidents were reported to the CAA, falling to 1,394 in 2013, rising again to 1,440 in 2014, with 168 incidents at Heathrow, followed by 107 at Manchester.

:: How dangerous are they?

A laser can result in temporary vision loss associated with flash blindness, according to the British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA).

The in-flight entertainment system showed the U-turn

BALPA general secretary Jim McAuslan said: "Aircraft are attacked with lasers at an alarming rate and with lasers with ever-increasing strength.

"It is an incredibly dangerous thing to do. Shining a laser at an aircraft puts that aircraft, its crew and all the passengers on board at completely unnecessary risk.

"Modern lasers have the power to blind, and certainly to act as a huge distraction and to dazzle the pilots during critical phases of flight."

The union wants ministers to classify lasers as offensive weapons which would give the police more power to arrest people for possessing them if they had no good reason to have them.

A British Airways co-pilot reportedly suffered a burned retina in his right eye after a "military strength" laser beam was shone into the cockpit of his plane landing at Heathrow in November 2015.

He has reportedly been unable to return to work since.

:: How powerful are these lasers?

Virgin plane

One British retailer, Megalaser UK, warns on its website: "These are not toys! The light can burst balloons, melt plastic, light matches and have a range of up to 100 miles.

"Our lasers are so powerful, you not only see the dot, but can clearly see the entire beam stretching through the sky."

:: Is it legal to point lasers at planes?

No. A law was passed in Britain in 2010 which allows offenders to be charged with "shining a light at an aircraft in flight so as to dazzle or distract the pilot".

A person may be found guilty of "reckless endangerment" and sent to prison if the distraction or dazzle is serious, 

One man who was prosecuted for dazzling a police helicopter crew with a laser pen did so during a late night garden party in Birmingham.

Thermal imaging cameras picked out Chris Vowles, 23, from Sandwell, as he laughed and toasted the prank with friends.

Laser pen lout Chris Vowles caught by the West Mids Police helicopter

The group could be seen gesturing toward the helicopter and raising their beer bottles.

He was given a suspended prison sentence after he admitted endangering an aircraft.

:: Who uses laser pointers and pens?

It is not illegal to buy a laser and they are easy to get hold of.

They are often used in business presentations, in industry to show specific distances, by revellers at nightclubs and by the military to mark targets at night.

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